Plan and Pricing
Pre-paid Plan
With a prepaid plan, users need to pay an amount per period (can be 1 month, 3 months, 12 months) to be able to use the API. APIX allows you to configure up to 4 of these prepaid plans.

You can configure the price, throttle limit, quota limit, and limit type for each usage plan.

APIX currently supports two types of limits: hard limit and soft limit
To prevent developers from making any overages, you can set a hard limit. If a hard limit is in place, developers will be capped at the quota limit and will be blocked from making more calls once the limit is reached.
Overage fees allow developers to continue using an API once a quota limit is reached and give them time to upgrade their plan based on projected future use while ensuring API providers get paid for higher usage.
Pay per Request Plan
Sometimes you may have consumers with small volumes, and their requests may be smaller than your basic plan, so you need to use the Pay per Request plan. In this plan, you will set a price for each request the consumer makes, and the consumer pays as they go.
In Pricing tab, choose Advance and you will see Pay per Request plan.

You can configure throttle limit and price of a single request.

Private plan